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RGB color mode diagram

Color: RGB

Red - Green - Blue aka Additive Color

One method of specifying colors generated onscreen

255 levels of color per channel

Optional fourth channel controls opacity (alpha channel)

Other modes: HSB, LAB, Hexadecimal

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CMYK color mode diagram

Color: CMYK

Cyan - Magenta - Yellow - Black aka Subtractive Color

One method of specifying color that is printed onto a surface

Colors are broken down into combinations of percentages

Other printing ink systems: Pantone, Focoltone, TruMatch, Toyo

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CMYK Subtractive Color Diagram

Color: CMYK

Subtractive Color Model Diagram

Ink color absorbs (subtracts) wavelengths from white light and reflects unabsorbed wavelengths

Unabsorbed wavelengths creates the perception of color

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Visible color gamut

Color: CMYK & RGB

Compatibilities & Equivalents

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Sample of hexadecimal notation

RGB: Hexadecimal Notation

A common way to specify an RGB color in web/screen graphics

Base 10 count: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Base 16 count: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C E F

An alternate way to specify RGB in HTML & CSS : rgba(168,30,128, 0.6)

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